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Wednesday 23 January 2013

But I'm accustomed to the sparkle now! OPI #NOTD

Even though it looks like Christmas it isn't. The big thaw is happening right now and the winter wonderland scenery is dissolving into a big black mush. My bare nails are lamenting the days of the red, gold and green glitter polishes, but they're just too festive right?

I had the chance to try out a premium nail polish from the James Bond special edition. I decided to try the gold shatter top coat. The internet raves about these polishes so it was about time I gave them a try.


You can buy Die Another Day on Amazon here for £7.54 + postage and packaging.

It is a beautiful orange red colour and the varnish is thick and luxurious. I was impressed with how well the brush applied the polish.

However, I was not so impressed with the gold shatter top coat.

As you can see in the picture on the right, the varnish was too thick to crackle effectively. It looked nothing like it was supposed to look, just a thick glittery coating with a tiny weak spine running its course just left of centre.

I'm glad I had only borrowed it. I have previously tried Boots 17 crackle top coat and it had a much better effect.

The thing is, I'm far to addicted to a little finger tip sparkle, even if it isn't the party season anymore.

What colours are you wearing? I need a fresh, but glittery look. Leave me comments with links to yours!


  1. Bummer the crackle top coat didn't work out, it would have looked awesome over the red! And Die Another Day is a gorgeous color, I may have to pick up some for myself. :)


  2. Im wearing 17's Holo Silver £3.99 from Boots!!!! See http://dreamdesignsnailart.wordpress.com/ xxx
