I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I love listening to Morrissey. Curveball there for you.


Saturday 26 January 2013

Rimmel 3 for 2 haul. I must have APOCALIPS now!

You can't go anywhere these days for talk of Rimmel London's Apocalips. So I broke out the trusty advantage card and succumbed to the hype. I used five hundred and ninety-nine loyalty points on what is heralded as a travesty in the beauty blogosphere: it works as a lipstick as well as a gloss, marvellous!

Here is celestial. Currently there is a 3 for 2 offer on Rimmel in Boots, but isn't there always?. (Buy it here). It has a lovely doe foot applicator where the gloss oozes from a hole in the middle; a liquid lipstick if you so desire.

Now, from previous experience I have learned that a lip liner is required, particularly with a strong shade of lipstick, gloss or lacquer. I pushed out the proverbial boat out and bought a MUA lip liner. I'm still marvelling at the nifty little sharpener built into the lid. It really is a wonderful idea. I bought 
mine in store at Superdrug, so not to worry this isn't a rant about their delivery or the rather abrupt social media faux-pas that happened earlier this week.

Ooooooooh cliffhanger...

 I've left you wondering what else I hauled from the Rimmel counter, never being one to miss a bargain...

The latest sparkle in the nail department. There are three shades available, all with suitably witty colour codes: Hawaiian Punch, Berry Bellini and a fearless bright orange toned glitter called Shirley Temple. 

I opted for Hawaiian Punch, it appears red at first but it really is a bright anodised pink. I can't wait to try it!

The only other item I redeemed in the three for two offer was Rimmel Scandaleyes waterproof kohl in smokey violet. I am addicted to these liners, they give a lovely effect with a long lasting hold. I'd recommend them to anyone and everyone!

I'll take my leave but I'd love to know if you haven taken advantage if this offer, what did you get?

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday 23 January 2013

But I'm accustomed to the sparkle now! OPI #NOTD

Even though it looks like Christmas it isn't. The big thaw is happening right now and the winter wonderland scenery is dissolving into a big black mush. My bare nails are lamenting the days of the red, gold and green glitter polishes, but they're just too festive right?

I had the chance to try out a premium nail polish from the James Bond special edition. I decided to try the gold shatter top coat. The internet raves about these polishes so it was about time I gave them a try.


You can buy Die Another Day on Amazon here for £7.54 + postage and packaging.

It is a beautiful orange red colour and the varnish is thick and luxurious. I was impressed with how well the brush applied the polish.

However, I was not so impressed with the gold shatter top coat.

As you can see in the picture on the right, the varnish was too thick to crackle effectively. It looked nothing like it was supposed to look, just a thick glittery coating with a tiny weak spine running its course just left of centre.

I'm glad I had only borrowed it. I have previously tried Boots 17 crackle top coat and it had a much better effect.

The thing is, I'm far to addicted to a little finger tip sparkle, even if it isn't the party season anymore.

What colours are you wearing? I need a fresh, but glittery look. Leave me comments with links to yours!

Sunday 13 January 2013

#workwarpaint : My work look.

This week was hard, I'm not going to lie; having three weeks off for Christmas was an absolute killer! I enjoyed every second of it, but this week has been so hard. Getting back into the routine and all that!

So I decided that I would do a post on my everyday make up for work. I tend to stick to the basics everyday, then go to town when I have something special on. This is my work look.

What's your #workwarpaint?

*thorough (darn it!)

Please share your #workwarpaint links in the comment box below, or via twitter @jeni_says_so 

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Hair brushed and parted typical me, typical me, typical me... [Liebster Award]

The lovely lady who introduced me to beauty boxes: Romany over on Me, Mitch, Monty and Munchables has tagged me in a Liebster Award post. Seeing as I'm new to beauty blogging I grabbed the opportunity by the guilded beams and easily thought of 11 things about me. That's what tradition means, but you want to know things about me, not Morrissey. A double challenge, you say? BRING IT ON!

11 facts about me.

 (I don't use the word random, unless absolutely necessary.)

  1. I have an acronym of a sweary phrase tattooed on my back.
  2. One of my favourite poems is Jenny Joesph's Warning.
  3. People always expect me to know about films. I only watched Fight Club in 2012 under duress.
  4. On the other hand I read The Da Vinci Code and the entire twilight saga to dynamically express why and how it was utter tripe. Needless to say I did not go as far as 50 Shades. 

I've started something and now I'm not too sure.....

Oh 18 minutes hard labour seems...fair enough.

     5.  I completed Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights on the Xbox 360 twice.
     6.  I am hyper flexible and can touch the inside of my arm with my thumb. 
     7.  Another venture with a gesture that was absolutely vile; selling my soul to Apple moons ago.
     8.  My front teeth are porcelain. 
         (On the upside my absolute phobia of the dentist has waned).

Typical me, typical me, typical me. 

    9. I never tire of taking pictures of myself pulling silly faces.
    10. I was once in the Daily Mail talking about OCD and got paid £200 for it. 
    11. I know I wear too much blusher. 

My Questions from Romany:

How old are you? 31. 

What is your first memory? Pretending to do aerobics to fit Lizzie from TVAM? with my mum in a blue dressing gown.

Who would play you in a movie of your life? Jessica Hynes. She likes pulling silly faces too.

What is your favourite book?  L.P Hartley - The Go Between. 

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?

Do you have any hobbies? Does making and taking photographs of lego dioramas count?

Where is your favourite place in the world? Manchester.

Do you have any interesting scars? I was bitten by Lassie and needed 38 stitches in my arm. I have stretched freckles all over my right forearm. 

Do you have any phobias? 


I can't think of anything more frightening apart from The Smiths reforming. That, readers, is my worst nightmare. 

Do you have any pets? A seagull that lands on my windowsill. His name is Frank. 

Pirates or ninjas? Pirates. I have a bigger pirate vocabulary, I wouldn't know what ninjas say.

Now my questions...

1. What is your favourite poem?
2. What beauty item could you not live without?
3. Kindle or book?
4. How many nail polishes do you have?
5. Any tattoos?
6. Any regrets?

I'll tag some of the blogs I like reading! Do a post if you like, just leave your link in the comments box below.  #sharethelove 

I shall leave you with a video of The Smiths and then you can work out all the mad references from above. You knew I'd get him in somewhere. 

Monday 7 January 2013

January spawned an iron will.

Hello my lovelies! January is the time to make resolutions, yah? I've thought about it, and thought some more and have decided on five beauty resolutions to really treat my skin.

1. To remove make up properly. Eye make up is the worst but I am going to remove it all, tone and moisturise.

2. Use YouTube to its greatest advantage and find more up- do tutorials instead of Morrissey posturing, getting so into the one that you end up doing your very best 'November Spawned a Monster' floor-wriggle.

Can you make it to 2mins20 for the ultimate in Morrissey posturing?

3. Be kind to my eyes and rest them more often. Having a good rest does everything for a healthy complexion. Easier said than done. Especially when there are plenty of Morrissey videos to dance around the room to. The same goes for...

4...#thirstythursday is for my own good and not my followers. Plenty of fluids, including water. I tend to gulp drinks down when thirsty. Really, for the sake of my skin, I should steadily keep my levels of hydration on an even keel. It does my body/skin/brain no favours to be as dry as the desert in Morrissey's video.

5. Make some YouTube videos of my own. That do not consist of me wailing like a banshee whilst flailing my arms around in the air, flamboyantly if you will.

Have you made any beauty resolutions? Let me know and leave your links in the comments below!